Old News from January 2001
LegacyWorks posted Wednesday, January 31, 2001 by Dave

The LegacyWorks mailing list/message board has undergone some changes recently that i think some of you might be interested in.

First off, Yahoo bought eGroups and has turned it into, or merged it with, Yahoo Groups. This is probably a good thing. Yahoo isn't a small company, and having a (relatively) stable company like Yahoo running the groups is good.

Matt has decided to sell his 91 Turbo. If you're looking for perhaps one of the nicest 5-speed sedans around, Drop him an email or mail me and i can get you in touch with him. He's decided to get a WRX. He's been a rally fan for a long time and has wanted a WRX for literally 8 years. I know he's gonna miss his Turbo, but the WRX is one very nice car. Good luck Matt!

In Matt leaving the community, i've been given the reigns of the LegacyWorks group as owner/moderator/boss. Since the guys there are so well behaved anyway, it's a cake job at best.

Thanks to all that participate in LegacyWorks, it's the best place to get info about 89-94 Legacies in the world.

10,000! posted Thursday, January 18, 2001 by Dave

Well, i thought i'd never see the day, but we just got the ten-thousandth hit to the site this morning.

Thanks for coming by, please come back and let me know what you think!

News fix for Mac users and misc... posted Wednesday, January 17, 2001 by Dave

I'm working on a new version of the Legacy Central page and it'll probably carry over to the Turbo-Centric page as well. Nothing very noticeable, but some underlying things will be different.

I've also cleaned up some rogue HTML that was causing Mac users some odd problems (myself included)

I'm going to switch to layers instead of frames because they're much more flexible. This basically drops support for IE 3.0 and Netscape 3.0 and below, but it's not my problem if you're using an ancient browser! Upgrade!

I also set the news to keep the last 7 news posts on the page instead of timing out after 8 days. News posting gets infrequent at times and it's nice to have the last messages display indefinitely.

Lots of activity over at LegacyWorks posted Wednesday, January 17, 2001 by Dave

Recently we've had a flurry of activity over at LegacyWorks. It's easily the best place on the 'net to get info about the BC-BF Legacies made from 89-94.

Go have a look!