
In a fit of boredom this afternoon, i removed the crossbars from my roof rack. Well it certainly looks much sleeker. Perhaps when i get around to washing it, i’ll take a picture.

Perhaps when i get around to repainting it, i’ll get rid of it entirely, but until then…

It’s All Here…Mostly

Well, the transmission is here, as well as most everything else i need, but a few parts are still missing, among other things.

I don’t have the replacement crossmember or a spring that connects the two shafts from the shifter back on the transmission. Also, the pedal assembly i got had two broken switches and was rusted badly. All of these parts are being shipped to me, however, so the company is making good on its deal.

But here’s where it gets confusing. I’d ordered a 4.11 transmission and LSD differential. The problem is that John was led to believe that there was indeed a 4.11 transmission in the Legacy Turbo, and a 4.11 LSD. Unfortunately, neither exist, nor have ever existed in the US Legacy Turbo. So, instead i got a 3.9 Turbo transmission from a 91 and a 4.11 open differential from a 93 wagon. Oh well.

Here’s the plan right now: Keep the 3.9 transmission and install it with my stock 3.9 rear, use that till i can find a 3.9 LSD locally and just swap the guts.

This will keep the labor time on installation down a bit, so there are fewer things to do, and fewer things to go wrong, and the car should be on the road sooner.

This should all go down late next week, i hope.

Site Revision

You may notice a few things have disappeared and changed. In the interest of making the site more accessible and browsing friendly, i’ve eliminated some of the old and relatively useless areas and have done away with Turbo-Centric, merging it with Legacy Central. It’s much easier for me to administer, and should be easier for you, the reader, to get around and find the info you need.

Thanks for your support!

Parts Arriving…

I received my pretty Chrome-moly Exedy flywheel on Tuesday and my clutch/pressure plate assembly today. Now i’m just waiting on the transmission to show up and i’ll get cracking…


I’ve found some more stuff to scan in and put up.

Noteworthy are the Subaru and Legacy press packets. These have nice glossed, photo-quality paper pictures included, as well as the usual press crap. One thing i did find in the Legacy packet, however, was a document by the SAE and written by the architects of the new Subaru 4-valve engines.

Check out The Library for details on the 90-press packet, and click here and please save the file for future reference. It’s a PDF document, requiring Adobe Acrobat, and is about 1.4MB.

It’s Coming Together…

Ok, here’s the status on the 4EAT-5MT conversion:

Transmission & all parts: On a truck between here and Sacramento. Should, should , arrive this week so i can get started on it.

Exedy Lightweight Chrome-moly flywheel: Should be here soon.

STi Group N disc, WRX (non-us) pressure plate and bearings: Ship tommorow.

Patience: Holding steady, suprisingly enough, considering the 6-8″ of snow on the ground and the usual jitters over the amount of money spent and the work ahead.

Parts Sheets for 90-94

I got these from someone, or eBay, some time ago and just got around to scanning them in.

It appears to be from a collision repair manual and it lists all the parts on the car, time to replace with labor and some part numbers. Very cool reference guide.

It’s an Acrobat file, and a little large, but you can zoom in on it and it’s actually 25 pages.

Please right click on the link and save it to your computer rather than opening it up every time you want to see it.

Part Sheets


Sometime in the last 24 hours, the page has passed 25000 hits.

It’s not an awful lot, but not too bad for 3 years.

More to come 😀

More Light

Ok, I found a place in California that can get me a full set of parts to swap my auto out for a manual, and for a good price.

Here’s the kicker: It includes a rear LSD.

Man, that’s just too much to pass up.


Winter is a depressing time for me. I don’t do any winter sports, my car doesn’t do all that great in the snow, and if you’ve ever been to Utah in the Winter, in the cities, it’s ugly. Half-melted snow with layers of nasty salt and grime, filthy cars and the temperature inversion all add up to a despicable mess.

Anyway, i’m still torn on what to do with my transmission. A rebuild is anywhere from $1500-$2500 for a 4EAT, while i can probably get into a 5MT swap for the low-end of that scale, but i’m not sure it’d be up to the torque this engine is putting out. I’m getting impatient, as the slippage i’m getting when the i get into the boost is just maddening.

When i push the pedal, i want the car to go, not just rev the motor and accelerate half-heartedly. This is why i’m leaning towards the 5MT again. So what if i break gears, if it lasts for a year i’d almost be content…

your source for information about the BC / BF / BJ Subaru Legacy